Ancient Danmei

TitleAuthorReading Status
Grandmaster of Demonic Cultivation/ MDZS (魔道祖师)Mò Xiāng Tóngxiù (墨香铜臭)Complete
Heaven's Official Blessing / 天官赐福Mò Xiāng Tóngxiù (墨香铜臭)Complete
Scum Villain’s Self-Saving System / 人渣反派自救系统Mò Xiāng Tóngxiù (墨香铜臭)Complete
The Husky and His White Cat Shizun / 2Ha / 二哈和他的白猫师尊Meatbun Doesn't Eat Meat (肉包不吃肉)Complete
Golden Stage / Huáng Jīn Tái / 黄金台Cang Wu Bin Bai (苍梧宾白)Complete
Spring Trees and Sunset Clouds / 春树暮云Wei Liang (未良)Complete
Fox Demon Cultivation Manual / 狐妖修炼指南Feng Ge Qie Xing (风歌且行)Complete
Sha Po Lang / 杀破狼PriestComplete
Cold Sands / Beyond the Frore Dunes / 漠上寒沙Mu Yun Lan Qing (牧云岚卿)Complete
Copper Coins / Tong Qian Kan Shi / 铜钱龛世Mu Su Li (木苏里)Complete
Living to Suffer / Huo Shou Zui / 活受罪Huo Shou Zui / 活受罪Complete
Lord Seventh / Qī Yé / 七爷PriestComplete
Faraway Wanderers / Tian Ya Ke / 天涯客PriestComplete
Yu Wu / Stains of Filth / 余污Meatbun Doesn't Eat Meat / 肉包不吃肉Complete

Modern Danmei

TitleAuthorReading Status
My Underachieving Seatmate Doesn’t Need Any Comforting / 学渣同桌不需要安慰Long Qi (龙柒)Complete
Gaze at the Scenes of Debauchery / 你看那灯红酒绿Ku Cha (裤衩)Complete
Tattoo / Ci Qing / 刺青Not Asking If It's Three Or Nine (不问三九)Complete
Fake Slackers / Wei Zhuang Xue Zha / 伪装学渣Mu Gua Huang (木瓜黄)Complete
Social Outcast / 社交温度Ka Bi Qiu / Not!Pikachu (卡比丘)Complete
Till Death Do Us Apart / 長相守Tangstory / 鱼香肉丝Paused
Sweet, Although ShortLong Qi (龙柒)Complete
Cāi Cāi / 猜猜Mò Lǐ (莫里_)Complete
Thinking of Deer Fei Fei / 想鹿非非[娱乐圈]Mò Lǐ (莫里_)Complete
Guide on How to Fail at Online Dating / 网恋翻车指南Jiàng Zi Bèi / 酱子贝Complete
Mist / 薄雾[无限]Wei Feng Ji Xu (微风几许)Complete
FOG [ESports] / FOG[电竞]Man Man He Qi Duo / 漫漫何其多Complete
MouMou (A Certain Someone) / 某某Mu Su Li / 木苏里Complete
Lovely Allergen / 可愛過敏原Zhìchǔ / 稚楚Complete
Little Mushroom / 小蘑菇Yi Shi Si Zhou / 一十四洲Complete
Loneliness / 茕茕Biscuits Bought In September / 九月买的饼干Complete
Reborn with an Old Enemy on the Day of our Marriage / 和宿敌结婚当天一起重生了Lin Zhiluo / 林知落Complete
Seizing Dreams / 夺梦Fei Tian Ye Xiang / 非天夜翔Currently Reading
Kaleidoscope of Death / 死亡万花筒Xī Zǐxù / 西子绪Complete
Light Tea, Sweet Wine / 清茶甜酒月半丁Complete
Global University Entrance Examination (QQGK) / 全球高考Mu Su Li / 木苏里Complete
Fanservice Paradox / 营业悖论Zhìchǔ / 稚楚Complete
The Star Around the Sun / 明日星程Jin Gang Quan / 金刚圈Complete
Limited Possession / 限时占有杳杳一言Complete

Short Danmei (<20 Chapters)

TitleAuthorReading Status
The Blind Concubine / Xia Niangniang / 瞎娘娘Xi Ni (洗泥)Complete
Deceive / 欺骗林仑Complete
The Story of Two Male Mosquitoes / 两只公蚊子的故事Nai Xiao Ning (奶小寧)Complete
Refined Sunflower and the Little Priest / 向日葵精与小道士Lu Tianyi (吕天逸)Complete
Telling Ghost Stories At My Ex-boyfriend’s Wedding / 去前男友婚礼上讲鬼故事花间二狗Complete
Outside the Law / 法外之徒Ka Bi Qiu / 卡比丘Complete
Those Steps We Walked Together / 那些我们一起走过的台阶轻风白杨Complete